Alzbeta comes from Prague. She is very friendly, enthusiastic, honest and higly reliable person. She graduated from prestigious Charles University in Prague. She also spent a semester at Sorbonne University in Paris. She is just finishing her second degree in Art Therapy. Besides guiding she works for art festivals and conducts therapeutic program Art & Psyché in The National Institute of Mental Health. She spends her free time designing wood inlays and ceramic statuettes. 

Alzbeta has worked as a curator of Modern and Contemporary Collection in National Gallery in Prague. She has “official guide of Prague” licence and she can speak English very well.

Alzbeta is focused on personal approach and her main goal is to provide high standard of the guiding which draw your attention and makes your trip unforgettable. No two visitors are alike and Alzbeta can easily recognise their interests and do her best to meet them and make the trip special. Besides the main sites she likes surprising the visitors with the hidden and „off the beaten path“ places.  

Specialist for

Alzbeta can do all the tours very well, moreover she is a specialist in overview tours, art tours, Jewish town, historical gardens, art galleries, art glass tours, National Gallery tours, countryside tours.