Barbora is an enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide with a lot of experience. She started to guide tourists during her studies in 1996. She graduated in law at Charles University and then she worked as a lawyer for a couple of years. But during those years she was missing her previous work a lot. And finally she decided to quit a legal job and returned to guiding which is now her full-time job. This decision she never regretted! For Barbora, guiding is not only a work but a great hobby as well. Barbora is very communicative, meeting different people makes her happy and she loves Prague. This is the city where she was born, studied, worked and lived. Come and discover the city with a native and passionate “Praguer”!

Specialist for

Barbora mainly guides in Prague but she does also countryside tours. She focuses on history and architecture. She has a licence “Official Guide of Prague” and a special guide licence for the Jewish Museum in Prague. She works in Czech and English. Barbora is sensitive to needs of her clients and she cares.

Her hobbies are: culture (literature, music), sport (skating, skiing, biking) and at least her large family (3 children and 1 labrador).

Our clients wrote:

Thank you for the great tour with Bara. Our family loved her guided tour of Prague.