“The castle of Franz Ferdinand”

5-6 hours
One way drive: 50 min.
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Konopiště is a magnificent seat of the Habsburg heir. It dates back from 14th century, later reconstructed and refurbished in the romantic style for Archduke Franz Ferdinand d`Este in the 1890s. The chambers of this magnificent seat of the intending emperor were equipped with a large collection of hunting trophies, historical hunting weapons, paintings and porcelain.

Closed on MONDAYS and from 1.11. to 31.3. Open only on Sundays – in November. Opened for some weekends in March

Sightseeing options

  • 1. interior route – representative and dining rooms, famous “hunting trophy corridor” (50 min)
  • 2. route – the oldest part of the castle, armory (50 min)
  • 3. route – rooms of F. F. de Este (40 min)
  • shooting range
  • St. George museum
  • rose garden
  • bear pit

Related websites

Konopiště chateau – overview
Konopiště chateau


Create various tour combinations with the Konopistě chateau: brewery, golf resort, park… Make your traveling unique and get the most of the day! Choose the tour combination listed below and let us know about your interests.

These tour combinations are very interesting, they usually take 7-8 hours and cost a bit more. Click and see the prices of the Tour combinations for 7-8 hours »

PARK Průhonice, UNESCO site and Konopiště

The Průhonice Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Czech National Cultural Landmark. An original masterpiece of garden landscape architecture of worldwide importance. Apart from its artistic and historic significance, the park is also valuable from the dendrological point of view with its collection of about 1.600 species of local and exotic plants. The collection of rhododendrons is particularly unique.

The Průhonice Park – UNESCO

BREWERY Ferdinand and Konopiště

Ferdinand brewery in Benešov town is an old local brand keeping the old traditions and bringing the new methods of beer brewing as well. So the excursion is very interesting, it takes about 60minutes. Part of the excursion is also beer tasting. Entry fee 120CZK.

Ferdinand brewery in Benešov


The impressive high gothic style castle was founded in 1348 as the royal treasury for the imperial crown jewels. … You can see the medieval residential rooms of the emperor Charles IV. Walk around the castle yards and walls. We also recommend the visit of the precious “golden” Chapel of the Holy Cross – it is necessary to book the tickets ahead (open only 1.6. – 31.10.).

Karlštejn castle
Nature Reserve Český Kras – Czech Karst


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