
5-6 hours
One way drive: 50 min.
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Nelahozeves is one of the nicest Renaissance castles in the Czech Republic boasting precious collections of art (pictures, treasury, musical displays, collection of furniture, sculpture, ceramics, porcelain, glass, metalwork, manuscripts, arms and armor). A series of twelve historical rooms feature the dining room, bedrooms, a music room, the Prince`s smoking room, the family chapel, two rooms devoted to hunting and shooting.
The castle was built in 1550s by the counsellor to the Holy Roman Emperor by the finest Italian artisans whose stone masonry work and richly decorated sgraffito facades. Polyxena Lobkowicz (the donator of the famous statue of the Holy Infant of Prague) bought the castle for the Lobkowicz family.
The Nelahozeves village is the birthplace of the great Czech composer, Antonín Dvořák.

Nelahozeves castle is open April through October.
The Dvořák museum is opened 1st and 3rd week of the month from WE to SU, but 2nd and 4th week only from We to FRI.

Sightseeing options

– Castle exhibition (life of 19th century aristocracy, 60min)
– Dvorak museum (40 minutes)

Related websites

Nelahozeves castle
Antonín Dvořák Birth House


Create various tour combinations with Nelahozeves. Make your traveling unique and get the most of the day! Choose the tour combination listed bellow and let us know about your interests.

These tour combinations are very interesting, they usually take 7-8 hours and cost a bit more. Click and see the prices of the Tour combinations for 7-8 hours »

TEREZÍN and Nelahozeves

“The tragic war memento.” Terezín is an 18th century military stronghold used by Nazis as the jail and the concentration camp for Jews from all Europe. Visit the former town of the Jewish ghetto with the Museum and the Lesser fortress that served as a prison for the Prague Gestapo (combined entrance fee 210 CZK). The Memorial to the victims of Nazism and the Holocaust has been established here as a memento of modern European history.

Terezín Initiative Institute


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