Minimal duration: 5 hours
Price from: 6 500 CZK

We will be happy to arrange a tailormade tour of the area where your ancestors lived. Please send us the list of the places, towns etc. ahead so we can prepare our GPS devices.

We strongly recommend to do these tours on Monday or Wednesday – to meet the opening days of the local city halls, libraries, offices, etc. If you are not interested in the offices, but prefer to see the local people – do this tour on Weekend days.

To provide the total comfort, we can arrange the driver and guide + the well sized car to take you around the places of your interest.

If you want to stay on budget, we can arrange a driving guide – one person who will do the driving, guiding and family meeting interpreting.

We can also help you with the family research and prepare the tour of your ancestral town. (See the text box above.)