“The crown of Prague”

Minimal duration: 2 hours

Visit the majestic Prague Castle with its dominant gothic St. Vitus cathedral, three courtyards, the Chapel of the Holy Cross, the Old Royal Palace, the legendary Golden Lane… finish with the tranquil Royal Gardens with their beautiful scenic views over the whole city.

You can either visit only the exteriors and 1/3 of the cathedral without paying entry fees. Or you can decide to visit the interiors and pay the admission (250 CZK per person, kids half, licensed guide for free).

If you like we can also add a walk through Hradčany, the adjacent Castle Town, to see the famous pilgrimage site Loreto, the old Strahov Monastery and the Castle Town square. The detailed visit of the Strahov Libraries must be booked ahead – so in case of interest, let us know!