“The Princely Collections”

Duration: 2-3 hours

The Lobkowicz Palace is a part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site – the Prague Castle. It is one of the most beautiful and significant cultural sites in Czechia and Europe. The palace was built between 1560s and 1790s and it has nice renaissance and baroque features. The Lobkowicz family members have been lovers and patrons of fine art and classical music for generations. They treasure one of the most significant private family art collection of Europe. After forty years of communist rule, the family got the ownership of their Palace back. In 2007, following 12 years process of the restitution, more than 3 years of planning, careful restoration and refurbishment, it was opened to the public for the first time as a private family museum.

The exhibition is entitled “The Princely Collections” and includes glorious paintings by old masters, e.g. two world-renowned views of London by Canaletto, The River Thames on Lord Mayor`s Day and Thames with Westminster Bridge, from 1740`s, and Haymaking by Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1565). The largest collection of 16th century Spanish style portrait paintings outside of Spain. Several interesting musical manuscripts (Beethoven, Mozart) and old musical instruments. An armory, containing one of the finest and rarest collections of firearms in Central Europe. Vast and precious ceramics collection. You can visit the palace on your own, using the excellent audio guide provided by the museum for free (recorded by the noble family members themselves!). We recommend you to enjoy a museum tour with one of your guides who has a license for guiding in Lobkowicz Palace and get 10% discount for the entrance fee (275 CZK, ~13USD)

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Lobkowicz Palace


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