Driving guide

Lenka is a great guide and she also works as our tour operator for Spanish speaking clients. She was born in Prague where she lived most of her life. After graduating on the Commercial Academy in Prague, she went to England to learn better English. Lenka studied at Charles University, Faculty of Humanities – directed to history and she has finished Master degree in Anthropology. During the studies she also went to South America to learn Spanish. She has the professional acreditation as Prague Guide. She has always loved history and this is the kind of the job that allows her to join her hobby and work together. She is sensitive to needs of her clients and she cares.

Lenka offers transfers and driving tours in her spacious sedan car Citroen Xsara Picasso. She is a licensed, careful and pieceful driver. The car was made in 2010, send-metalis color. Very comfortable sedan car with the great space for the legs. 3-4 seats for the clients + 1 seat for the driver. Space for 3-4 mid size suitcases. Other details: aircondition

Private Prague guide in the Spanish language / Guída privada de Praga en Espanol

Lenka trabaja como asistente de nuestra oficina, preocupando se por los clientes de habla espanola. Ella es nacida en Praga donde vivió hasta hace póco. Lenka está acreditada como guía oficial para la ciudad de Praga. Después de haberse graduado en la Academia Comercial de Praga, se trasladó a Inglaterra para perfeccionar sus conocimientos de inglés. Lenka estudió en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Carolingia de Praga graduándose en Antropología General. Durante sus estudios viajó a América Latina con el objetivo de aprender espanol, viviendo un ano en Chile. A ella siempre le ha interesado la historia. Esta es la clase de trabajo que le permite unir labor y afición. Puedo afirmar que ella es una persona preocupada de las necesidades de sus clientes.

Email: Lenka@personalpragueguide.com