About Culture

We try to offer you the best quality and the most favourite cultural events in Prague.

We often visit the venues and check the quality. We also keep searching for the new, unusual offers to make your Prague experience complete!

Great Wine cellar - At the Old well

Black Light Theatre Image

Prague is a city of music

The best events

We can definitely recommend: the wine tasting in the Medieval cellar, visit the local Brewery, the Black Light Theatre Image, the evening Jazz Boat, a short boat cruise with Prague Venice company.
When describing the cultural events we try to be realistic and tell you the truth, even if the providers use only superlatives :-)

Please be careful when choosing culture event in Prague. Read some travel forums before you decide (Trip Advisor, Rick Steves …) In Prague you will see many tempting offers, that turn out to be tourist traps. Several cultural events are organised by the non professional, semi mafia providers who just use good name of some world famous show or music band. They often copy the local quality theatres (similar name, same colours, same show). Some clients reported they experienced poor quality, cheesy performance… (Unfortunately we can not name the bad companies, as we do not want to start the war with the local mafia.) But you can be sure do not offer them to our clients!


Let us know ahead if we shall book any tickets for the quality cultural event. For our clients we do the booking service free. Some of the companies require part of the price as a booking fee in advance. You will get the booking voucher from your guide (who can also collect the booking fee from you).

If you are not decided, you can leave the booking after your arrival. But if you find some event really interesting, we would rather recommend to book it ahead - as we recommend the best quality and "wanted" events and it can happen they would be totally sold out a week ahead.

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